Written by: Chris Carter
Directed by: Chris Carter
Directed by: Chris Carter

As of this episode David Duchovny has been removed from the opening credits.
Scully: Good morning.
Doggett: Morning. (to the agents) Um... I'll catch you guys later. (They leave silently) Some friends... they're just curious.
Scully: I'm not here to be a curiosity, Agent Doggett. I'm here to work.
Doggett: I am, too, Agent Scully. I've been here all weekend and early this morning, I went over every X-File in the cabinet there. I just left to get some coffee.
Scully: Well... do you have any questions?
Doggett: Just a few. Maybe first you could tell me where your area is here and... uh... where mine's going to be.
Scully: This is my partner's office, Agent Doggett. You and I will just be using it for a while. (She sets Mulder's nameplate down firmly on the desk)

Detective Abbott: Well, that's just what I was getting around to, ma'am. We're not so sure now that these bites are human. The bodies were discovered by neighbours, so there was contamination of the general crime scene. My boys did a real damn good job of separating the various shoe prints and pulling these. Come on over. (He shows them a dusted animal-like footprint with four toes) Right there, see that?
Doggett: What is it?
Detective Abbott: It's not human, I know that.
Scully: It's not quite animal, either.
Detective Abbott: There's only four toes.
Scully: That's not an unheard of birth defect. Uh, no more rare than polydactylism.
Detective Abbott: What did she just say?
Doggett: I assume she means it could be human. Is that a fair assumption?
Scully: I say that assumption is the problem here. A strange print is found and immediately the most important piece of evidence is just thrown out to try and force an explanation. Maybe this print can help explain those bite marks.
Doggett: What is it?
Detective Abbott: It's not human, I know that.
Scully: It's not quite animal, either.
Detective Abbott: There's only four toes.
Scully: That's not an unheard of birth defect. Uh, no more rare than polydactylism.
Detective Abbott: What did she just say?
Doggett: I assume she means it could be human. Is that a fair assumption?
Scully: I say that assumption is the problem here. A strange print is found and immediately the most important piece of evidence is just thrown out to try and force an explanation. Maybe this print can help explain those bite marks.

Doggett: You were so sure before.
Scully: Yeah, I was sure of the facts as I had deduced them scientifically. Maybe I'm... I'm trying to force them into shape. Maybe I'm manufacturing a theory.
Doggett: Well, what happened to taking a leap?
Scully: Maybe I'm just trying too hard.
Doggett: To do what? To be Mulder? You know, I'm not Oxford educated. About all I know about the paranormal is men are from Mars and women are from Venus. But I don't think you're wrong, Agent Scully.
Scully: What makes you say that?
Doggett: Well, I'm no Fox Mulder, but I can tell when a man's hiding something. Myron Stefaniuk fishes a woman out of the river who's been gone for 40 years. He has a brother he hasn't seen in over 40 years. A brother who just happened to hunt down some kind of creature over 40 years ago.
Scully: Well, what does he have to hide?
Doggett: Well, that's what I'm hoping this good cop work is going to show us.
Scully: Yeah, I was sure of the facts as I had deduced them scientifically. Maybe I'm... I'm trying to force them into shape. Maybe I'm manufacturing a theory.
Doggett: Well, what happened to taking a leap?
Scully: Maybe I'm just trying too hard.
Doggett: To do what? To be Mulder? You know, I'm not Oxford educated. About all I know about the paranormal is men are from Mars and women are from Venus. But I don't think you're wrong, Agent Scully.
Scully: What makes you say that?
Doggett: Well, I'm no Fox Mulder, but I can tell when a man's hiding something. Myron Stefaniuk fishes a woman out of the river who's been gone for 40 years. He has a brother he hasn't seen in over 40 years. A brother who just happened to hunt down some kind of creature over 40 years ago.
Scully: Well, what does he have to hide?
Doggett: Well, that's what I'm hoping this good cop work is going to show us.
Doggett: Believe it?
Scully: That this thing is still out there and some day it's going to come after us?
Doggett: I'm pretty sure I hit it, Agent Scully. Pretty sure you hit it, too. The guys upstairs were making some noise about this case — about what's in our field report.
Scully: Yeah. You'll get used to it. I, uh... I never had a desk in here, Agent Doggett, but I'll see that you get one.
Doggett: All right.
Scully: And I just want to say, um... thank you for watching my back.
Doggett: Well, I never saw it as an option. I'm sure you don't either.
Scully: That this thing is still out there and some day it's going to come after us?
Doggett: I'm pretty sure I hit it, Agent Scully. Pretty sure you hit it, too. The guys upstairs were making some noise about this case — about what's in our field report.
Scully: Yeah. You'll get used to it. I, uh... I never had a desk in here, Agent Doggett, but I'll see that you get one.
Doggett: All right.
Scully: And I just want to say, um... thank you for watching my back.
Doggett: Well, I never saw it as an option. I'm sure you don't either.
Season Number: 8
First Aired: Sunday, November 19, 2000
Production Code: 8X04
First Aired: Sunday, November 19, 2000
Production Code: 8X04