Written by: Chris Carter
Directed by: Kim Manners
Directed by: Kim Manners

Scully: (voiceover) The work here is painstaking — a slow and tedious piecing together. It appears to be a craft, its skin covered in the intricate symbols you and I both saw, but which I now understand are part of a complex communication. Dr. Barnes has broken some of the symbols into letters using an ancient Navajo alphabet and, though it has helped to uncover some of what's here, it has also made for greater confusion. On the top surface of the craft I'm finding words describing human genetics. (On graph paper she translates the names of the four basic nucleotides — Cytosine, Guanine, Ademine, Thymine) Efforts to read the bottom of the craft have been harder. Our workers were scared away by phenomena I admit I can't explain — a sea of blood, a swarm of insects. But what little we have found has been staggering — passages from the Christian Bible, from pagan religions, from Ancient Sumeria... science and mysticism conjoined. But more than words, they are somehow imbued with power. I've ignored warnings to quit this work, remaining committed to finding answers, afraid only that our secret here won't last and that I might be too late.

Dr. Harriman: He's been quiet for the last 36 hours, but he doesn't sleep. There's activity in the temporal lobe we've just never seen. It won't allow his brain to rest or shut down, manifesting in episodes of aggression... sometimes against himself.
Skinner: You can't sedate him?
Dr. Harriman: Yes. We slow him down for short periods and put him in the neuro ward. It's the only way we're able to run tests. But over time... his brain is going to just die.
Skinner: You can't sedate him?
Dr. Harriman: Yes. We slow him down for short periods and put him in the neuro ward. It's the only way we're able to run tests. But over time... his brain is going to just die.
Skinner: To be honest, I don't know... Agent Mulder?...His brain is on constant redline. They've got him on Haloperidol just to keep him on the monitors.
Michael Kritschgau: Haloperidol?
Skinner: He becomes violently agitated. He just won't speak or sleep even when he's medicated. There's activity in part of his brain they've never seen before.
Michael Kritschgau: Was his...
Skinner: Was his what?
Michael Kritschgau: I started to ask you a question about his prior mental state but he anticipated it. Second time. Agent Mulder?
Skinner: He claimed to be hearing voices.
Michael Kritschgau: I might know why Agent Mulder asked for me. Doesn't mean I can do anything for him.
Skinner: What just happened?
Michael Kritschgau: I think he responded to a question that... I didn't ask.
Michael Kritschgau: Haloperidol?
Skinner: He becomes violently agitated. He just won't speak or sleep even when he's medicated. There's activity in part of his brain they've never seen before.
Michael Kritschgau: Was his...
Skinner: Was his what?
Michael Kritschgau: I started to ask you a question about his prior mental state but he anticipated it. Second time. Agent Mulder?
Skinner: He claimed to be hearing voices.
Michael Kritschgau: I might know why Agent Mulder asked for me. Doesn't mean I can do anything for him.
Skinner: What just happened?
Michael Kritschgau: I think he responded to a question that... I didn't ask.

Dr. Ngebe: It is the word of God.
(Dr. Barnes enters the tent)
Dr. Barnes: You're wrong. There is no God. What's out there on the water... is only what we call 'god'... What we call 'creation' — the spark that ignited the fire that cooked the old primordial soup... made animate from inanimate... made us.
Dr. Ngebe: I believe he is mad from the sun.
Dr. Barnes: Mad? I'm perfectly sane... because today I understand everything, beginning and end, alpha and omega, everything in between. It's all been written. But the word is 'extraterrestrial'.
Scully: You're sick, Dr. Barnes. You need to get off your feet, lie down.
Dr. Barnes: You think you're going to take the credit? This is my discovery.
Scully: I'm only here to help my friend.
Dr. Barnes: You can't help him. You're wasting your time reading it.
Scully: It has power.
Dr. Barnes: It is power... the ultimate power. Your friend just got too close. No one leaves here before me.
(Dr. Barnes enters the tent)
Dr. Barnes: You're wrong. There is no God. What's out there on the water... is only what we call 'god'... What we call 'creation' — the spark that ignited the fire that cooked the old primordial soup... made animate from inanimate... made us.
Dr. Ngebe: I believe he is mad from the sun.
Dr. Barnes: Mad? I'm perfectly sane... because today I understand everything, beginning and end, alpha and omega, everything in between. It's all been written. But the word is 'extraterrestrial'.
Scully: You're sick, Dr. Barnes. You need to get off your feet, lie down.
Dr. Barnes: You think you're going to take the credit? This is my discovery.
Scully: I'm only here to help my friend.
Dr. Barnes: You can't help him. You're wasting your time reading it.
Scully: It has power.
Dr. Barnes: It is power... the ultimate power. Your friend just got too close. No one leaves here before me.

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