Written by: Chris Carter
Directed by: Kim Manners
Directed by: Kim Manners

A 'requiem' is a mass for a deceased person, or a musical composition for such a mass. It is a hymn, composition, or service for commemorating the dead.
In Chris Carter's original script, there was no revelation about Scully's pregnancy. Instead it has Mulder lying on a table aboard the alien ship and his father coming to him and comforting him.
Three deleted scenes in this episode include an extended scene where Mulder and Scully arrive at Oregon for the first time after 7 years, an extended scene where Scully is questioned by the FBI agent, and an extended version of Marita Covarrubias' conversation with Kryceck
The FBI agent states that Mulder and Scully have 160 cases investigated, the same number of episodes done to that point. Of course this could be said to be incorrect, because of the 2 and 3 parters, but it's a nice wink to the audience.

Special Agent Short: Lariat car rentals. Totals. Would you like to see the figure?
Mulder: Is that a lot?
Special Agent Short: A lot? Gas, expenses... the motel rooms alone. By FBI standards these numbers are out of control.
Mulder: We could start sharing rooms.
Special Agent Short: You're under evaluation. There has to be a point when we say no.
Mulder: You can't really compare what we do to other departments in the Bureau.
Special Agent Short: Right. This business with aliens.
Mulder: Well, there's more to it than that.
Special Agent Short: But, at the end of the day you'd say aliens are your real focus.
Mulder: That's the reason I got started, yeah.
Special Agent Short: Investigating your sister's abduction and the government conspiracy around it. Both of which have been resolved, correct?
Mulder: Nothing has been resolved exactly.
Special Agent Short: In this case report here, it's concluded your sister is dead, as well as the men who took her. This is your handwriting here on the report, Agent Mulder?
Mulder: Yeah.
Special Agent Short: So, what exactly is left to investigate?

Scully: So much of the work that we do cannot be measured in standard terms.
Special Agent Short: How would you measure it?
Scully: We open doors with the X-Files, which lead to other doors.
Special Agent Short: Doors leading to... 'A conspiracy of men who cooperated with alien beings to create human alien hybrids.' So we could all become slaves of an alien invasion.
Scully: I believe that there was once a conspiracy. I believe I was taken by men who subjected me to medical tests, which gave me cancer and left me barren.
Special Agent Short: But you don't believe in aliens?
Scully: I've seen things that I cannot deny.
Special Agent Short: How would you measure it?
Scully: We open doors with the X-Files, which lead to other doors.
Special Agent Short: Doors leading to... 'A conspiracy of men who cooperated with alien beings to create human alien hybrids.' So we could all become slaves of an alien invasion.
Scully: I believe that there was once a conspiracy. I believe I was taken by men who subjected me to medical tests, which gave me cancer and left me barren.
Special Agent Short: But you don't believe in aliens?
Scully: I've seen things that I cannot deny.
Smoking Man: I was worried about you, Alex.
Krycek: Cut the crap, old man.
Smoking Man: I heard about your incarceration.
Krycek: You had me thrown in that hellhole.
Smoking Man: For trying to sell something that was mine, was it not? I hope we can all move forward... Put the past behind us. We have a... singular opportunity now.
Krycek: A singular opportunity?
Smoking Man: There's been a crash in Oregon. An alien ship has collided with a military aircraft. Recovery is all-important. It's Roswell and Corona all over again — 50 years later. It's our chance to rebuild the project.
Marita Covarrubias: How do you know someone hasn't already recovered it?
Smoking Man: It's never quite so easy.
Krycek: Cut the crap, old man.
Smoking Man: I heard about your incarceration.
Krycek: You had me thrown in that hellhole.
Smoking Man: For trying to sell something that was mine, was it not? I hope we can all move forward... Put the past behind us. We have a... singular opportunity now.
Krycek: A singular opportunity?
Smoking Man: There's been a crash in Oregon. An alien ship has collided with a military aircraft. Recovery is all-important. It's Roswell and Corona all over again — 50 years later. It's our chance to rebuild the project.
Marita Covarrubias: How do you know someone hasn't already recovered it?
Smoking Man: It's never quite so easy.
Scully: Sorry to bother you, Mrs Hoese. We're with the FBI.
Teresa Hoese: Is this about my husband?
Mulder: You're Teresa? Teresa Nemman?
Teresa Hoese: Yes.
Mulder: Seven years ago you came to Agent Scully and I for help. You were afraid of being abducted.
Teresa Hoese: Oh, my God. Please, come in.
Teresa Hoese: I'm sorry... I sort of lost it when I realised who you were.
Scully: We, uh... we came to see if there's anything that you could tell us that might help to find your husband.
Mulder: We had no idea you were his wife.
Teresa Hoese: I don't know if it's important. Maybe I just hope it's not, but... Ray and I have a connection, that's even deeper for us.
Mulder: He's an abductee, too?
Teresa Hoese: He kept it a secret from almost everyone. It doesn't make you real popular around here. His experiences were a lot more terrifying than mine. He was taken many times and tested. I have extensive medical records on him and photos of his scars. I'll get you the files.
Teresa Hoese: Is this about my husband?
Mulder: You're Teresa? Teresa Nemman?
Teresa Hoese: Yes.
Mulder: Seven years ago you came to Agent Scully and I for help. You were afraid of being abducted.
Teresa Hoese: Oh, my God. Please, come in.
Teresa Hoese: I'm sorry... I sort of lost it when I realised who you were.
Scully: We, uh... we came to see if there's anything that you could tell us that might help to find your husband.
Mulder: We had no idea you were his wife.
Teresa Hoese: I don't know if it's important. Maybe I just hope it's not, but... Ray and I have a connection, that's even deeper for us.
Mulder: He's an abductee, too?
Teresa Hoese: He kept it a secret from almost everyone. It doesn't make you real popular around here. His experiences were a lot more terrifying than mine. He was taken many times and tested. I have extensive medical records on him and photos of his scars. I'll get you the files.

Mulder: You want me to call a doctor?
Scully: No, I just... I just want to get warm.
(Mulder tucks Scully into bed, then lies behind her and embraces her in spooning cuddle) Thank you.
Mulder: It's not worth it, Scully.
Scully: What?
Mulder: I want you to go home.
Scully: Oh, Mulder, I'm going to be fine.
Mulder: No, I've been thinking about it. Looking at you tonight, holding that baby... knowing everything that's been taken away from you. A chance for motherhood and your health and that baby. I think that... I don't know, maybe they're right.
Scully: Who's right?
Mulder: The FBI. Maybe what they say is true, though for all the wrong reasons. It's the personal costs that are too high. There so much more you need to do with your life. There's so much more than this. There has to be an end, Scully.
Scully: No, I just... I just want to get warm.
(Mulder tucks Scully into bed, then lies behind her and embraces her in spooning cuddle) Thank you.
Mulder: It's not worth it, Scully.
Scully: What?
Mulder: I want you to go home.
Scully: Oh, Mulder, I'm going to be fine.
Mulder: No, I've been thinking about it. Looking at you tonight, holding that baby... knowing everything that's been taken away from you. A chance for motherhood and your health and that baby. I think that... I don't know, maybe they're right.
Scully: Who's right?
Mulder: The FBI. Maybe what they say is true, though for all the wrong reasons. It's the personal costs that are too high. There so much more you need to do with your life. There's so much more than this. There has to be an end, Scully.
Smoking Man: Do you trust Alex, Marita?
Marita Covarrubias: Then why bring him here at all?
Smoking Man: You misunderstand. I've great faith that Alex will find the ship. But if I told him how, he'd be... he'd be tempted to sell the information.
Marita Covarrubias: And you're certain it's there?
Smoking Man: Oh, yes. But it won't be there forever. It's rebuilding itself.
Marita Covarrubias: If he finds the ship, then what?
Smoking Man: To possess it, is to possess the answer to all things. Every possible imaginable question.
Marita Covarrubias: To God?
Smoking Man: There's no God, Marita. What we call God is only alien — an intelligence much greater than us.
Marita Covarrubias: They're coming here, aren't they?
Smoking Man: They're only coming back.
Marita Covarrubias: Then why bring him here at all?
Smoking Man: You misunderstand. I've great faith that Alex will find the ship. But if I told him how, he'd be... he'd be tempted to sell the information.
Marita Covarrubias: And you're certain it's there?
Smoking Man: Oh, yes. But it won't be there forever. It's rebuilding itself.
Marita Covarrubias: If he finds the ship, then what?
Smoking Man: To possess it, is to possess the answer to all things. Every possible imaginable question.
Marita Covarrubias: To God?
Smoking Man: There's no God, Marita. What we call God is only alien — an intelligence much greater than us.
Marita Covarrubias: They're coming here, aren't they?
Smoking Man: They're only coming back.
Krycek: You've got every reason to want to see me dead. But you've got to listen to me now. You have the singular opportunity.
Mulder: Here or you want to step outside.
Marita Covarrubias: Agent Mulder. Cancerman is dying. His last wish is to rebuild his Project, to have us revive the Conspiracy. It all begins in Oregon.
Krycek: The ship that collided with that Navy plane. It's in those woods.
Mulder: There's no ship in those woods.
Krycek: Yeah, it's there. Cloaked in an energy field. Great, mops up the evidence.
Mulder: Who?
Krycek: The Alien Bounty Hunter. Billy Miles. Teresa Hoese, her husband. He's eliminating proof of all the tests. We're asking ourselves, we're asking ourselves, 'Where are they?' They're right there. They're right under our noses. I'm giving you the chance to change that, to hold the proof.
Mulder: Why me and why now.
Krycek: I want to damn the soul of that Cigarette Smiking Son-of-a-Bitch.
Mulder: Here or you want to step outside.
Marita Covarrubias: Agent Mulder. Cancerman is dying. His last wish is to rebuild his Project, to have us revive the Conspiracy. It all begins in Oregon.
Krycek: The ship that collided with that Navy plane. It's in those woods.
Mulder: There's no ship in those woods.
Krycek: Yeah, it's there. Cloaked in an energy field. Great, mops up the evidence.
Mulder: Who?
Krycek: The Alien Bounty Hunter. Billy Miles. Teresa Hoese, her husband. He's eliminating proof of all the tests. We're asking ourselves, we're asking ourselves, 'Where are they?' They're right there. They're right under our noses. I'm giving you the chance to change that, to hold the proof.
Mulder: Why me and why now.
Krycek: I want to damn the soul of that Cigarette Smiking Son-of-a-Bitch.
Frohike: What are you looking at?
Scully: Medical records — Billy Miles and other known abductees in Bellefleur, Oregon. They all experienced anomalous brain activity.
Byers: Electro-encephalitic trauma.
Scully: Which is exactly what Mulder experienced earlier this year.
Langley: I don't understand.
Scully: There was something out there in that field. It knocked me back. Because it didn't want me. Mulder thinks that it's me that's in danger of being taken.
Frohike: When it's Mulder who's in danger. Scully?
(Scully faints)
Lone Gunmen: Scully! Whoa! You okay? Oh, gee.
Scully: Medical records — Billy Miles and other known abductees in Bellefleur, Oregon. They all experienced anomalous brain activity.
Byers: Electro-encephalitic trauma.
Scully: Which is exactly what Mulder experienced earlier this year.
Langley: I don't understand.
Scully: There was something out there in that field. It knocked me back. Because it didn't want me. Mulder thinks that it's me that's in danger of being taken.
Frohike: When it's Mulder who's in danger. Scully?
(Scully faints)
Lone Gunmen: Scully! Whoa! You okay? Oh, gee.
Scully: Hi.
Skinner: Hi. How you feeling?
Scully: I'm feeling fine. They're just running some tests on me.
Skinner: Well... um...
Scully: I already heard.
Skinner: I lost him. I don't know what else I can say. I lost him. I'll be asked... what I saw. And what I saw, I can't deny. I won't.
Scully: We will find him. I have to. Sir, um... there's something else I need to tell you. Something that I need for you to keep to yourself. I'm having a hard time explaining it. Or believing it. But, um... I'm pregnant.
Highlights from ''Requiem''
Skinner: Hi. How you feeling?
Scully: I'm feeling fine. They're just running some tests on me.
Skinner: Well... um...
Scully: I already heard.
Skinner: I lost him. I don't know what else I can say. I lost him. I'll be asked... what I saw. And what I saw, I can't deny. I won't.
Scully: We will find him. I have to. Sir, um... there's something else I need to tell you. Something that I need for you to keep to yourself. I'm having a hard time explaining it. Or believing it. But, um... I'm pregnant.
Highlights from ''Requiem''
Episode Number: 161
Season Number: 7
First Aired: Sunday, May 21, 2000
Production Code: 7X22
1 comment:
Requiem is my favorite episode. it is the best so far!!! i love it and the ending!!!
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