Written by: Steven Maeda
Directed by: Tony Wharmby
Directed by: Tony Wharmby

4-D is the abbreviated form of 'fourth dimension' which is generally accepted as Time. Length, Breadth, and Depth make up the other 3 dimensions.
4-D is also the apartment unit where Lukesh and his mother live.
The tag line for this episode wasn't really changed, just flipped backwards (erehT tuO sI hturT ehT) - which is in keeping with the entire "teaser". The film in the teaser was flipped so that right-handed people became left-handed, hair was parted on the other side, etc.
At the end of the episode, it says:
In Loving Memory of
Ricky Lold Arreguin
January 24, 1985 - September 13, 2001
Assistant Director Follmer: Monica?
Reyes: Brad? Skinner called you, too?
Assistant Director Follmer: He's staying at the crime scene. I'm sorry. I've been put in charge of the investigation. I promise you, it's my top priority. I will find the person who did this. I just need to find out why your partner was in that alley this morning.
Reyes: He wasn't. He was with me, at my apartment. He was with me when Skinner called me.
Assistant Director Follmer: I'm not sure I'm following.
Scully: Monica, I'm so sorry. Agent Doggett is just coming out of surgery, they're moving him to the ICU.
Assistant Director Follmer: How's it look?
Scully: If he pulls through this, it's likely that he'll be paralysed for life.
Reyes: I haven't understood one single word I've heard since I got here. Whoever you're talking about, it's not John Doggett.

Skinner: No, but it doesn't matter what I believe. You may still be arrested.
Reyes: So what are they waiting for?
Scully: Follmer's case has a couple potential holes. For starters, there's the fact that when I called you, you were at home. Fourteen miles from the crime scene. Plus there's the condition of your gun.
Reyes: It hadn't been fired.
Scully: However, the bullet does match your gun. Perfectly.
Reyes: It doesn't make any sense. None of it. What about the eyewitness? What can you tell me about him?
Skinner: You know we can't discuss that. Look...
Reyes: My god, John.
Skinner: Is he conscious?
Scully: I don't know. It could just be a muscle spasm. It's not uncommon with this type of spinal injury.
(Doggett's fingers continue to twitch, but with a familiar regularity)
Skinner: That's not a spasm.
Reyes: What is it?
Skinner: It's Morse code.
Reyes: What'd he say?
(Skinner holds up his notepad)
Scully: (reading) 'Lukesh'.
Reyes: What? What does that mean?
Reyes: So what are they waiting for?
Scully: Follmer's case has a couple potential holes. For starters, there's the fact that when I called you, you were at home. Fourteen miles from the crime scene. Plus there's the condition of your gun.
Reyes: It hadn't been fired.
Scully: However, the bullet does match your gun. Perfectly.
Reyes: It doesn't make any sense. None of it. What about the eyewitness? What can you tell me about him?
Skinner: You know we can't discuss that. Look...
Reyes: My god, John.
Skinner: Is he conscious?
Scully: I don't know. It could just be a muscle spasm. It's not uncommon with this type of spinal injury.
(Doggett's fingers continue to twitch, but with a familiar regularity)
Skinner: That's not a spasm.
Reyes: What is it?
Skinner: It's Morse code.
Reyes: What'd he say?
(Skinner holds up his notepad)
Scully: (reading) 'Lukesh'.
Reyes: What? What does that mean?
Reyes: You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Doggett: HOWS CASE?
Reyes: It's coming along. It's nowhere, basically. There's so much that's impossible to reconcile. You say I was on the stakeout with you, I say you were at my apartment bringing me... John, do you know a little stand on M Street? Supposed to be really good hot dogs?
Reyes: John, what if we were both right? What if you were at my apartment, and I was on a stakeout with you at the exact same time. What would it take for that to be true?
Reyes: Except maybe we do. Maybe all of us do. You've heard of the idea of a parallel universe? One that's identical, or nearly identical, to our own. One in which we all have a double. It's theoretical physics but... what if it's real?
Reyes: You said yourself Erwin Lukesh was known for his impossible escapes. You said that in the alley you looked away only for an instant and he was gone. And then, somehow, he was behind you. And he shot you. With my gun. My gun, that never left my possession that entire afternoon. What if Lukesh can pass freely from one parallel world to the other? Like... like he's opening a door. And what if, somehow you followed him through that door. Without even knowing it. Maybe when you followed Lukesh into this world, my... my Doggett got forced out.
Doggett: WOW.
Reyes: My Doggett would have called that crazy, too... but give me another theory that fits.
Doggett: HOWS CASE?
Reyes: It's coming along. It's nowhere, basically. There's so much that's impossible to reconcile. You say I was on the stakeout with you, I say you were at my apartment bringing me... John, do you know a little stand on M Street? Supposed to be really good hot dogs?
Reyes: John, what if we were both right? What if you were at my apartment, and I was on a stakeout with you at the exact same time. What would it take for that to be true?
Reyes: Except maybe we do. Maybe all of us do. You've heard of the idea of a parallel universe? One that's identical, or nearly identical, to our own. One in which we all have a double. It's theoretical physics but... what if it's real?
Reyes: You said yourself Erwin Lukesh was known for his impossible escapes. You said that in the alley you looked away only for an instant and he was gone. And then, somehow, he was behind you. And he shot you. With my gun. My gun, that never left my possession that entire afternoon. What if Lukesh can pass freely from one parallel world to the other? Like... like he's opening a door. And what if, somehow you followed him through that door. Without even knowing it. Maybe when you followed Lukesh into this world, my... my Doggett got forced out.
Doggett: WOW.
Reyes: My Doggett would have called that crazy, too... but give me another theory that fits.
Reyes: How do you do it? You know what I'm talking about, don't you? There's this world, and there's the world where you live out your sick fantasies. When did it start? Was it after your breakdown in 1995? All that anger, it's buttoned up so tight, it had nowhere else to go. It had to get released. Not here. But in a world just like this one.
Erwin Lukesh: God, I enjoyed you. You bled just like a pig.
(Assistant Director Follmer and Skinner walk into the hall)
Skinner: Reyes?
Assistant Director Follmer: You all right?
Erwin Lukesh: God, I enjoyed you. You bled just like a pig.
(Assistant Director Follmer and Skinner walk into the hall)
Skinner: Reyes?
Assistant Director Follmer: You all right?
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