Teleplay by: Chris Carter
Director: R.W. Goodwin

After a deranged man walks into a restaurant in Arlington, Virginia and guns down several people, he is shot by the SWAT team. A gentle man, Jeremiah Smith on the scene, talks soothingly to the injured gunman and heals him and his victims before disappearing in front of the police during questioning. Mulder starts a full scale search for the elusive Jeremiah Smith.

Meanwhile Mulder's mother is approached by the Cigarette Smoking Man, whom she appears to know. Shortly afterwards Mulder is contacted, his mother has been taken to hospital after suffering a stroke. Mulder rushes to see her, she is unable to talk but writes the word 'palm' on a piece of paper. On their return to Washington, Jeremiah Smith walks in to the FBI building and turns himself him. He is questioned by Scully and Assistant Director Skinner but later released. Mulder is contacted by X, who shows him photographs of the Cigarette Smoking Man and his mother arguing and tells him the Cigarette Smoking Man was looking for something.
Mulder goes to his family holiday home in Rhode Island and works out that his mother meant 'lamp' when she wrote 'palm', he finds an alien stiletto weapon, which he recognised as used by the alien bounty hunter. The real Jeremiah Smith arrives at Scully's apartment and asks to speak to Mulder he has information that indicates an approaching dead line and a chance to discover the key to exposing the truth about the existence of alien life.
'Talitha Cumi' is Aramaic for "Little Girl Arise", used in the Bible when Jesus raises the young daughter of a Jewish leader from the dead.
It was originally envisioned that Melinda McGraw, playing Mellissa Scully, would make a cameo in this episode as one of the people Jeremiah Smith would transform into during the interrogation scene with the Cigarette-Smoking Man. It turned out that Melinda McGraw wasn't available the day of the shoot.
The fight between Mulder and X was longer in the first cut. The producers had to tone to violence down to comply with the Fox Broadcasting standards.
Steven Williams, playing X, wrenched his shoulder in filming the fight between his character and Mulder.
Mrs. Mulder: I have nothing to say to you.
CSM: Really? We used to have so much to say to each other, so many good times at the Mulder's summer place. Your kids.. young and energetic. I remember water-skiing down there with Bill. He was a good water-skier your husband, not as good as I was but then that could be said about so many things...couldn't it?
Mrs. Mulder: I've repressed it all.
(Mulder rushes Cigarette Smoking Man and slams him against the wall.)
Mulder: You going to smoke that?
(He whips out his gun.)
Mulder: Or do you want to smoke on this?
CSM: Are you giving me a choice?
Mulder: I should shoot you right here, but they'd probably be able to save you.
CSM: Do it. Do it, Agent Mulder.
Mulder: Or maybe put a bullet through your brain so you'll bebedridden for the rest of your life like my mother.
CSM: How is she?
Mulder: What do you care?
CSM: I've known your mother since before you were born, Fox.
Mulder: I don't care.
CSM: I'd gone to see her recently.
Mulder: Yeah. And I know what you were looking for.
CSM: I wasn't looking for anything.It's what she was looking for, actually. She contacted me.
Mulder: Liar.
CSM: I had information, possibly... on thewhereabouts of your sister.
Mulder: Where is she?
CSM: It seems the man who had the information has disappeared.
Mulder: I have what you want.
CSM: There's nothing I want, Agent Mulder... except to see how your mother's doing.
Episode Number: 73
Season Number: 3
First Aired: Friday May 17, 1996
Production Code: 3X24
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