Written by: David Amann
Directed by: Robert Lieberman
Directed by: Robert Lieberman

Max tells Scully she must have been a "Betty" back in the day, which is slang for a hot chick.
Max: Yeah, too much teen spirit.
Mulder: You think? Smells like murder to me.
The above quote is a referance to the popular song "Smells Like Teen Spirit," by Nirvana.

Scully: Mulder, tell me you've got more than SAT scores to show that this Tony Reed didn't commit this crime.
Mulder: Maybe. Take a look at the body. The former Deputy Ronald Foster. As you can see, the report doesn't quite do it justice.
Scully: Oh, my God, it looks like he was hit with a sledgehammer.
Mulder: Police flashlight. One blow. The damage to the maxillofacial bones and the cranium is consistent with a blunt-force trauma, but... I'd say that, uh, Tony eats his Wheaties.
Mulder: Check out the back of his head.
Scully: Ugh. His eyeglasses.
Mulder: Penetrated to the back of his skull. Babe Ruth couldn't hit this hard, let alone a high school sophomore.
Scully: Well, maybe if he was under the influence of PCP or some kind of stimulant.
Mulder: No, his tox screen came back negative.
Scully: Well, even so, I mean, stress and fear may have triggered an adrenaline response which is known to enable feats of near-superhuman strength.

Tony: How long ago was that?
Highlights from ''Rush''
Episode Number: 144
Season Number: 7
First Aired: Sunday, December 5, 1999
Production Code: 7ABX06
Highlights from ''Rush''
Episode Number: 144
Season Number: 7
First Aired: Sunday, December 5, 1999
Production Code: 7ABX06
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