Written by: Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz
Directed by: Michael Watkins
Directed by: Michael Watkins

'Sein Und Zeit' means "Being and Time" and is the title of a rather famous 1927 philosophy book by world renowned philosopher Martin Heidegger. It deals with our existence - being.
In the episode's teaser, Bud LaPierre is watching ''Harsh Realm'' (Chris Carter's short-lived and grossly un-promoted drama series) on television. Mr. LaPierre commented to Mulder that he didn't know what it was called (probably since it wasn't well promoted by Fox), but that it was good. On a related note, the actor playing Mr. LaPierre (Mark Rolston) was in the 2nd episode of ''Harsh Realm'' as a bounty hunter.

Mulder: Mr And Mrs LaPierre, my name is Fox Mulder. I'm a Special Agent with the FBI and I have a lot of experience with crimes like the one that took place here. Now I know you've made a statement to the police but I'd like to ask you some questions about that and I'd like you to answer in as much detail as both you and your lawyer are comfortable with. I want to ask you about the note you found. Where did you find it?
Bud LaPierre: In my daughter's bedroom.
Mulder: When?
Bud LaPierre: When I went to check on her.
Mulder: Um, do you know what time that was?
Bud LaPierre: 9:30, I think. Right about then. I was watching TV in here.
Mulder: What were you watching?
Bud LaPierre: I never heard of it before. It was good.
Mulder: What about you, Mrs LaPierre?
Billie LaPierre: I was in bed already.
Mulder: Were you asleep?
Billie LaPierre: Half.
Mulder: Is that Amber Lynn's bedroom that I saw down the hallway there?
Billie LaPierre: Yes.
Mulder: Do you always lock your doors at night even if you're home?
Billie LaPierre: Yes.
Mulder: You know most of your neighbours, I bet, up and down the street. You're on good terms with them?
Bud LaPierre: Most of them, yes.
Mulder: Can you think of anyone that might have wanted to hurt Amber Lynn?
Billie LaPierre: No.

Mulder: Do you think that woman could have killed her son?
Scully: She was convicted in a court of law.
Mulder: So how do you explain those two notes written ten years apart could contain the same obscure phrase?
Scully: I can't explain it, Mulder, but you're doing exactly what I said. You're personalising this case.
Mulder: No, I'm going to solve this case. I am going to solve it.
Scully: How?
Mulder: I'm going to find those kids.
Scully: What if they're dead, Mulder? Don't go looking for something you don't want to find.
Scully: She was convicted in a court of law.
Mulder: So how do you explain those two notes written ten years apart could contain the same obscure phrase?
Scully: I can't explain it, Mulder, but you're doing exactly what I said. You're personalising this case.
Mulder: No, I'm going to solve this case. I am going to solve it.
Scully: How?
Mulder: I'm going to find those kids.
Scully: What if they're dead, Mulder? Don't go looking for something you don't want to find.
Mulder: I didn't... Why would she do this? It just doesn't make any sense.
Scully: We never truly know why.
Mulder: No, she wouldn't kill herself. Why are these pictures gone? There were photos here. There were photos of my sister and I. This is all that she had left of us and they're missing. Why...? She saw me on the news. She wanted to talk about the missing girl, Amber Lynn. She wanted to tell me something about her, or maybe she couldn't tell me over the phone because she was afraid that they would do something like this to her.
Scully: Who?
Mulder: Whoever took my sister. Look at this place. I mean, it's like... it's all staged — the pills, the oven, the tape. It's like a bad movie script. They would... they would have come here and they would have threatened her. She would be upset; they would have to sedate her. I would look for a, uh... a needle puncture mark or something else in her system besides these pills.
Scully: No, Mulder. Please don't ask me to do this.
Mulder: Scully, who else can I ask?
Scully: An autopsy, Mulder? I mean, it's one thing on a stranger but you're my friend, and she's your mother...
Mulder: I know, but if you don't do it, I might never know the truth.
Scully: We never truly know why.
Mulder: No, she wouldn't kill herself. Why are these pictures gone? There were photos here. There were photos of my sister and I. This is all that she had left of us and they're missing. Why...? She saw me on the news. She wanted to talk about the missing girl, Amber Lynn. She wanted to tell me something about her, or maybe she couldn't tell me over the phone because she was afraid that they would do something like this to her.
Scully: Who?
Mulder: Whoever took my sister. Look at this place. I mean, it's like... it's all staged — the pills, the oven, the tape. It's like a bad movie script. They would... they would have come here and they would have threatened her. She would be upset; they would have to sedate her. I would look for a, uh... a needle puncture mark or something else in her system besides these pills.
Scully: No, Mulder. Please don't ask me to do this.
Mulder: Scully, who else can I ask?
Scully: An autopsy, Mulder? I mean, it's one thing on a stranger but you're my friend, and she's your mother...
Mulder: I know, but if you don't do it, I might never know the truth.

Scully: Your mother killed herself, Mulder. I conducted the autopsy. She was dying of an incurable disease. An untreatable and horribly disfiguring disease called Paget's Carcinoma. She knew it. There were doctor's records. She didn't want to live. Mulder...
Mulder: She was trying to tell me something. She was... trying to tell me something.
Scully: Mulder, she was trying to tell you to stop. To stop looking for your sister. She was just trying to take away your pain.
Clip from ''Sein und Zeit''
Episode Number: 149
Season Number: 7
First Aired: Sunday, February 6, 2000
Production Code: 7X10
Mulder: She was trying to tell me something. She was... trying to tell me something.
Scully: Mulder, she was trying to tell you to stop. To stop looking for your sister. She was just trying to take away your pain.
Clip from ''Sein und Zeit''
Season Number: 7
First Aired: Sunday, February 6, 2000
Production Code: 7X10
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