Written by: Frank Spotnitz
Directed by: Tony Wharmby
Directed by: Tony Wharmby

This is the first X-Files episode where we learn that Langly's first name is 'Richard'. In the season 5 episode "Unusual Suspects" there was a scene where Langly is called 'Ringo' but it was cut from the finished version.
The Via Negativa was first designed as a way of talking about God. As language limits a supposedly infinite God, it was concluded that the only way to talk about God was by saying what God is not, eg: God is not a cucumber. The title of the episode is refering to this.
Scully: It's, uh, it's Agent Scully. I'm sorry to wake you.
Doggett: What's up?
Scully: I got a call about 20 minutes ago from Assistant Director Skinner. He has a situation.
Doggett: What is it?
Scully: An Agent is dead. Um, Skinner had him surveilling a religious cult in Pittsburgh. And all the followers are dead, as well.
Doggett: What happened?
Scully: He's having difficulty determining that.
Doggett: I'll pick you up.
Scully: I'm sorry, Agent Doggett. I can't go.
Doggett: Agent Scully?
Scully: Um, something unexpected has come up.
Doggett: You all right?
Scully: Yeah, I'm, I'm fine.
Doggett: Will I see you later?
Scully: Uh, as soon as I can.
(As she hangs up, she is approached by a nurse)
Nurse: Miss Scully? The doctor wants to see you right away.

Agent Arnold: You're saying all these people were so stoned on this bark they just let their leader kill them?
Skinner: We found no trace of the drug in the blood of any of the victims.
Deputy Director Kersh: I don't understand. How in the hell did Tipet manage to slaughter all these people?
Doggett: Tipet was paranoid but nothing indicates he was ready to take the lives of his own people or our men.
Deputy Director Kersh: This is our one and only suspect. Are you telling me he didn't do it?
Doggett: Whoever did this left not even a trace how: No prints, no forensic evidence whatsoever. Agent Leeds' sedan, the cult house, Agent Stedman's condo... were all locked from the inside.
Deputy Director Kersh: That's impossible.
Skinner: Unless Tipet took the drug and succeeded. Unless his consciousness was there but his body was somewhere else.
Deputy Director Kersh: The X-File explanation. I take it this theory comes from Agent Scully?
Doggett: Agent Scully has yet to reach any conclusions, sir.
Deputy Director Kersh: That's the problem. I'm not hearing conclusions from either one of you. If this man has reached a higher plane then explain to me why 22 people are dead, including two FBI Agents. Now I want to hear what you're going to do about it.
Skinner: We found no trace of the drug in the blood of any of the victims.
Deputy Director Kersh: I don't understand. How in the hell did Tipet manage to slaughter all these people?
Doggett: Tipet was paranoid but nothing indicates he was ready to take the lives of his own people or our men.
Deputy Director Kersh: This is our one and only suspect. Are you telling me he didn't do it?
Doggett: Whoever did this left not even a trace how: No prints, no forensic evidence whatsoever. Agent Leeds' sedan, the cult house, Agent Stedman's condo... were all locked from the inside.
Deputy Director Kersh: That's impossible.
Skinner: Unless Tipet took the drug and succeeded. Unless his consciousness was there but his body was somewhere else.
Deputy Director Kersh: The X-File explanation. I take it this theory comes from Agent Scully?
Doggett: Agent Scully has yet to reach any conclusions, sir.
Deputy Director Kersh: That's the problem. I'm not hearing conclusions from either one of you. If this man has reached a higher plane then explain to me why 22 people are dead, including two FBI Agents. Now I want to hear what you're going to do about it.
Dr Bormanis: My machine picked up. I missed the call.
Skinner: What did he want? We need to find him, Dr Bormanis. This man may have murdered 23 people.
Dr Bormanis: Twenty-three? You said... twenty-two.
Skinner: Another man died tonight.
Dr Bormanis: I'm not doing anything illegal here. I just... I just made him stuff.
Skinner: You mean drugs. You supplied Anthony Tipet with drugs, isn't that right?
Dr Bormanis: Hallucinogens were Tipet's way into the depths of the soul, the heights of consciousness, planes of being that our feeble brain chemistry cannot begin to imagine.
Skinner: Is that why you cut yourself? Or is that the, uh... mark of the initiated?
Dr Bormanis: It's protection. At least I hope it is. Nobody took the trips but Tipet. See, only his mind was strong enough.
Doggett: You know, I can't tell, doctor, whether you admire Tipet or you're afraid of him. Those people he killed last night, did they admire him, too?
Dr Bormanis: What are you doing?
Doggett: Taking you in for questioning.
Dr Bormanis: On what charges? I just... I just... explained it to you.
Skinner: What did he want? We need to find him, Dr Bormanis. This man may have murdered 23 people.
Dr Bormanis: Twenty-three? You said... twenty-two.
Skinner: Another man died tonight.
Dr Bormanis: I'm not doing anything illegal here. I just... I just made him stuff.
Skinner: You mean drugs. You supplied Anthony Tipet with drugs, isn't that right?
Dr Bormanis: Hallucinogens were Tipet's way into the depths of the soul, the heights of consciousness, planes of being that our feeble brain chemistry cannot begin to imagine.
Skinner: Is that why you cut yourself? Or is that the, uh... mark of the initiated?
Dr Bormanis: It's protection. At least I hope it is. Nobody took the trips but Tipet. See, only his mind was strong enough.
Doggett: You know, I can't tell, doctor, whether you admire Tipet or you're afraid of him. Those people he killed last night, did they admire him, too?
Dr Bormanis: What are you doing?
Doggett: Taking you in for questioning.
Dr Bormanis: On what charges? I just... I just... explained it to you.
Scully: Your door was unlocked.
Doggett: You just saved my life, Agent Scully.Scully: I just woke you up, Agent Doggett.
Doggett: Tipet's in my dreams. If you hadn't woken me up just now...
Scully: Anthony Tipet is dead. I got the call from Skinner on my way over here. He never regained consciousness.
Doggett: Are you okay?
Scully: I seem to be, yes.
Doggett: Well, if you need some more time off...
Scully: No. I'm back at work now. That must have been some nightmare you just had.
Doggett: Tipet thought he'd find god... by looking in the darkness inside himself.
Scully: You don't think he succeeded?
Doggett: In my dreams, I see... I saw terrible... violent images that... scared the living daylights out of me. These things are a part of me. I can't deny that, but... maybe... maybe they didn't come from me.
Scully: Then where'd they come from? It was a bad dream, Agent Doggett, but that's all it was.
Season Number: 8
First Aired: Sunday, December 17, 2000
Production Code: 8X07
First Aired: Sunday, December 17, 2000
Production Code: 8X07
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