Written by: David Amann
Directed by: Cliff Bole
Directed by: Cliff Bole

Writer David Amann's wife Michelle Deschamps is mentioned in this episode. The little girl in the teaser is named Michelle, and the psychiatric hospital featured is the Deschamps County Hospital.
The title is a reference to the fabled monster from Greek mythology, said to be made up of different parts - usually a lion's head (or three heads, one of which is a lion) a goat's body and a dragon's tail - and breathing fire. Descriptions have changed from story to story, and it's even a description of a particular medical condition when two twins fuse in the womb to become one and have traces of DNA from each. Though the monster in this episode is not really a chimera in the distinct sense of the word, it works on the idea of one person with two separate personalities, one of whom carries out the atrocities the other couldn't countenance.
Scully appears only in brief cameos in this episode. She is in the usual Mulder/Scully 1st scene of act 1, and then all her conversations with Mulder are short, by phone, and spread throughout the episode.

Mulder: You wanted to see me, sir?
Skinner: Yeah, sit down. Two weeks ago a woman named Martha Crittendon disappeared from her home in Bethany, Vermont. Local police haven't turned up any sign of her. I'm hoping you may be able to.
Mulder: I'm already on a case.
Skinner: You're on a stakeout. I'm confident Agent Scully can continue in your absence.
Mulder: Why? What did I do?
Skinner: There may be aspects to this that... speak to your strengths as an investigator.
Mulder: Specifically?
Skinner: Ravens. What do you know about them — their mythological or... paranormal significance?
Mulder: Well, the, uh... the raven is considered a very powerful symbol in certain Norse, Celtic and Native American cultures uh, mostly, a negative one. Indians view it as a deceiving spirit, Christianity mostly associates it with evil and, then, of course, there's Poe's raven and, 'nevermore', and all that stuff.
Skinner: Martha Crittendon's seven-year-old daughter claimed that she was attacked by a raven earlier the day her mother disappeared. Later, she heard one inside the house before she discovered her mother was missing.
Mulder: No, really, what did I do?
Skinner: It's the only lead that hasn't been explored. I want to know if it has any bearing on the case.
Mulder: Oh, hey, Scully. How's the stakeout?
Scully: Well, the furnace broke and I can just about see my breath in here.
Mulder: Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that.
Scully: That... and I've witnessed a couple hundred things I'd like to erase from my brain. Eww. But as of yet, no mystery woman.
Mulder: Well, she'll come, you know? It's just a matter of time. She'll show up — I'm sure of that.
Scully: Yeah, well not before I die of malnutrition.
Mulder: Hey, Scully, tough it out. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Right? (to Ellen Adderly) No, no, no, no. No capers, thank you.
Scully: I'm sorry. What?
Mulder: I said, 'What a... what a crazy caper.' I'll talk to you later... and, uh, keep warm. Bye.
Scully: Well, the furnace broke and I can just about see my breath in here.
Mulder: Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that.
Scully: That... and I've witnessed a couple hundred things I'd like to erase from my brain. Eww. But as of yet, no mystery woman.
Mulder: Well, she'll come, you know? It's just a matter of time. She'll show up — I'm sure of that.
Scully: Yeah, well not before I die of malnutrition.
Mulder: Hey, Scully, tough it out. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Right? (to Ellen Adderly) No, no, no, no. No capers, thank you.
Scully: I'm sorry. What?
Mulder: I said, 'What a... what a crazy caper.' I'll talk to you later... and, uh, keep warm. Bye.

Sheriff Adderly: Honey, you've been through a lot.
Ellen Adderly: You don't believe me.
Mulder: I do. You said the car window shattered after you saw the reflection and there's a broken mirror in Martha's house. I don't think that's a coincidence.
Ellen Adderly: But what could it mean?
Mulder: Mirrors are considered doorways. In the Victorian Era, they built mirrored rooms called psychomantiums where they thought they could summon forth spirits from the spirit world. Denizens from the spirit world were brought into this world.
Ellen Adderly: You don't believe me.
Mulder: I do. You said the car window shattered after you saw the reflection and there's a broken mirror in Martha's house. I don't think that's a coincidence.
Ellen Adderly: But what could it mean?
Mulder: Mirrors are considered doorways. In the Victorian Era, they built mirrored rooms called psychomantiums where they thought they could summon forth spirits from the spirit world. Denizens from the spirit world were brought into this world.

Sheriff Adderly: Like Jekyll and Hyde?
Mulder: She wanted so much from her life with you — a perfect life — and I think that at some point she found out you were cheating with Jenny and Martha, I don't know when, but at some point she did, and... and, like you said, I think she had to rationalise that. She just bottled up her anger, swallowed it, and it had to come out some way. I think she did what she did to protect her family.
Highlights from ''Chimera''
Episode Number: 155
Season Number: 7
First Aired: Sunday, April 2, 2000
Production Code: 7X16
Mulder: She wanted so much from her life with you — a perfect life — and I think that at some point she found out you were cheating with Jenny and Martha, I don't know when, but at some point she did, and... and, like you said, I think she had to rationalise that. She just bottled up her anger, swallowed it, and it had to come out some way. I think she did what she did to protect her family.
Highlights from ''Chimera''
Season Number: 7
First Aired: Sunday, April 2, 2000
Production Code: 7X16
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