Written by: Vince Gilligan
Directed by: Michelle MacLaren
Directed by: Michelle MacLaren

'John Doe' is generally the name given to someone with amnesia, as well as 'Jane Doe' for females, simply as something to call them until their real identities are discovered.
This is only the second X-Files episode to be directed by a woman, co-executive producer Michele MacLaren. Gillian Anderson made her writing/directing debut with ''All Things'' in Season 7.
Doggett's wife is played by Robert Patrick's real wife, Barbara Patrick.
Doggett: Where are we? What's the name of this place?
Domingo Salmeron: What, the jail?
Doggett: The town? Tell me the name of the town. Tell me where I am.
Domingo Salmeron: San Gradura.
Doggett: Mexico?
Domingo Salmeron: Man, if you can't remember, you must have had one fine good time getting here. What's your name? Damn, you don't know that either, huh? Call you 'One Shoe'. (to other prisoners) SeƱor Un Zapato, huh? (to Doggett) One Shoe, what do you know?
Doggett: I know I'm getting the hell out of here.
Domingo Salmeron: You got money to bribe the police? That's what it takes.
Doggett: I just need to get to a phone and call the US Embassy.
Domingo Salmeron: Yeah, they can get you home, I guess. Where is home? You know what I think, One Shoe? Maybe getting home is not in your best interest.
Doggett: How's that?
Domingo Salmeron: This isn't Tijuana or Cabo. We don't see Americans in this town unless they're on the run from something, somebody. This town... people like you come here to disappear.
Doggett: People like me? You don't know me.
Domingo Salmeron: Hey, you don't know you.
Scully: Well, this came in last night from US Customs. It's a blow-up from a security camera at the border crossing in Laredo, Texas. It was taken at 12:50am on the morning of the fourth.
Deputy Director Kersh: We're sure this is Doggett?
Skinner: It's been scanned to Agent Reyes. She also believes it is him.
Deputy Director Kersh: I'd say this reshapes the investigation.
Skinner: It's our first solid lead. Now with your permission, I'd like to contact our Legat's office and extend our task force south of the border.
Deputy Director Kersh: I'm not extending the task force. I'm disbanding it.
Scully: Excuse me?
Deputy Director Kersh: I see no other choice. For the past twelve days I've had 40 agents working overtime scouring the entire State of Texas, in what appears to be a waste of effort. I can't move them lock, stock and barrel into Mexico, not on the strength of this. Turn it over to the Mexican Federal Police. Doggett's in their jurisdiction, not ours.
Scully: Sir, he could be injured.
Deputy Director Kersh: Whether you believe it or not I want to find him as badly as you do. But the FBI's resources are already taxed by National Security concerns. There are political realities I have to account for.
Skinner: Sir, Agent Reyes is still in San Antonio. She was raised in Mexico. She could offer the Federal Police some onsite help.
Deputy Director Kersh: She can help them all she wants. But from this side of the border.
Deputy Director Kersh: We're sure this is Doggett?
Skinner: It's been scanned to Agent Reyes. She also believes it is him.
Deputy Director Kersh: I'd say this reshapes the investigation.
Skinner: It's our first solid lead. Now with your permission, I'd like to contact our Legat's office and extend our task force south of the border.
Deputy Director Kersh: I'm not extending the task force. I'm disbanding it.
Scully: Excuse me?
Deputy Director Kersh: I see no other choice. For the past twelve days I've had 40 agents working overtime scouring the entire State of Texas, in what appears to be a waste of effort. I can't move them lock, stock and barrel into Mexico, not on the strength of this. Turn it over to the Mexican Federal Police. Doggett's in their jurisdiction, not ours.
Scully: Sir, he could be injured.
Deputy Director Kersh: Whether you believe it or not I want to find him as badly as you do. But the FBI's resources are already taxed by National Security concerns. There are political realities I have to account for.
Skinner: Sir, Agent Reyes is still in San Antonio. She was raised in Mexico. She could offer the Federal Police some onsite help.
Deputy Director Kersh: She can help them all she wants. But from this side of the border.
Reyes: Dana.
Scully: Surprise, surprise.
Reyes: How did you escape Kersh's cost-cutting regimen? Did you see? He shut us down.
Scully: Well, actually he doesn't know that I'm here. Nor does he know that Skinner is headed to Mexico to consult with the Federal Police. Perfect timing, I hope. Look what just got handed to me. This says that someone in Mexico is trying to track down a former Marine matching Doggett's description. It says that he was in an accident and possibly suffering from amnesia.
Reyes: Wait... Detective Ladatel?
Scully: Yeah, that's who placed the call. Does that sound familiar to you?
Reyes: Ladatel is a Mexican telephone calling card.
Scully: We'll trace the call.
Scully: Surprise, surprise.
Reyes: How did you escape Kersh's cost-cutting regimen? Did you see? He shut us down.
Scully: Well, actually he doesn't know that I'm here. Nor does he know that Skinner is headed to Mexico to consult with the Federal Police. Perfect timing, I hope. Look what just got handed to me. This says that someone in Mexico is trying to track down a former Marine matching Doggett's description. It says that he was in an accident and possibly suffering from amnesia.
Reyes: Wait... Detective Ladatel?
Scully: Yeah, that's who placed the call. Does that sound familiar to you?
Reyes: Ladatel is a Mexican telephone calling card.
Scully: We'll trace the call.
Doggett: Sure, they want us to make it easy for them. Cartel owns the cops in this town. They're going to kill us.
Reyes: They're going to try.
Doggett: Take cover. It won't be long before they get tired of waiting. So, we're partners, huh? How long we been working together?
Reyes: Not long. But we've known each other for years. They're giving us one minute.
Doggett: What's the name of my son? Think it's weird. It's the only thing I can remember is I have a son. I can see his face, but I can't remember his name.
Reyes: Luke.
Doggett: Luke. How old is Luke? I can't even remember that. Oh god. Oh god, no. He's dead. He was murdered. Is that right? Is that right? He was kidnapped. He was just a little boy. He was... Oh!
Reyes: The FBI got involved. I was assigned to the case. That's when you and I met.
Doggett: Oh god!
Reyes: Oh god, John, they're smoking us out. John, I need you here. I need you to focus here, John. John! JOHN! If we're going to die here you're going to die on your feet! You hear me? Do you hear me?
Doggett: Get in the bus. Hang on!
Reyes: They're going to try.
Doggett: Take cover. It won't be long before they get tired of waiting. So, we're partners, huh? How long we been working together?
Reyes: Not long. But we've known each other for years. They're giving us one minute.
Doggett: What's the name of my son? Think it's weird. It's the only thing I can remember is I have a son. I can see his face, but I can't remember his name.
Reyes: Luke.
Doggett: Luke. How old is Luke? I can't even remember that. Oh god. Oh god, no. He's dead. He was murdered. Is that right? Is that right? He was kidnapped. He was just a little boy. He was... Oh!
Reyes: The FBI got involved. I was assigned to the case. That's when you and I met.
Doggett: Oh god!
Reyes: Oh god, John, they're smoking us out. John, I need you here. I need you to focus here, John. John! JOHN! If we're going to die here you're going to die on your feet! You hear me? Do you hear me?
Doggett: Get in the bus. Hang on!
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