Written by: Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by: Tony Wharmby
Directed by: Tony Wharmby

Terry O'Quinn (Shadow Man) is credited with "Special Guest Star" as well as being credited by his real name of Terrance Quinn. This is the third guest appearance Terry O'Quinn has made on ''The X-Files''. He previously appeared in the season two episode ''Aubrey'', and in the feature film ''Fight the Future''. He plays a different character in each appearance.
The way the title of the episode is written - Trust No 1 also has a double meaning - Trust No One, and Trust Number 1, i.e. yourself above everything else. Given that everyone in the episode has to work out what's happening for themselves, this seems very fitting.
Scully's screen-name is QUEEQUEG0925. Queequeq was Scully's dog in season 3, which was eaten in ''Quagmire''. 09/25 is the birthdate of Gillian Anderson's daughter, Piper.
'Trust No One' were the last words of Deep Throat in season 1's ''The Erlenmeyer Flask'' and also Mulder's computer password in ''Little Green Men''. During this episode Scully receives emails from Mulder with the address "Trust No 1".
This episode's tag line is changed to 'They're Watching'.

Scully: (voiceover) One day, you'll ask me to speak of a truth — of the miracle of your birth. To explain what is unexplained. And if I falter or fail on this day, know there is an answer, my child, a sacred imperishable truth, but one you may never hope to find alone. Chance meeting your perfect other, your perfect opposite — your protector and endangerer. Chance embarking with this other on the greatest of journeys — a search for truths fugitive and imponderable. If one day this chance may befall you, my son, do not fail or falter to seize it. The truths are out there. And if one day you should behold a miracle, as I have in you, you will learn the truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart. And in that moment you will be blessed — and stricken. For the truest truths, are what hold us together, or keep us painfully, desperately apart.
Subject: Travel Bargains-Airfare Discounts! From: HotTravelBargains
Subject: Tired Of Your Old Job??? From: Sue185@RRS
Subject: Requested Research Link From: drstanton@fbi.gov
Subject: Dearest Dana From: trust_no1@mail.com
She opens the email and reads the message; Subject: Tired Of Your Old Job??? From: Sue185@RRS
Subject: Requested Research Link From: drstanton@fbi.gov
Subject: Dearest Dana From: trust_no1@mail.com
From: Trust_No1@mail.com
To: Queequeg0925@hotmail.com
Date: 07 Jan 2002
Scully: (voiceover) I've resisted contacting you for reasons I know you continue to appreciate. But, to be honest, some unexpected dimensions of my new life are eating away at any resolve I have left. I'm lonely, Dana, uncertain of my ability to live like this. I want to come home. To you, and to William. I am physically shaking right now, seeing your words. Wishing it were you speaking them to me. I want so badly to see you too, but you are still not safe here.To: Queequeg0925@hotmail.com
Date: 07 Jan 2002

Doggett: Agent Scully. What the hell are you doing?
Scully: I'm trying to teach a class.
Doggett: You understand what we're being offered here? If we know who these Super Soldiers are we can go after them. This is somebody giving us a way that can make it safe for Mulder to come home.
Scully: That's the operative word here — somebody. Somebody that we don't know.
Doggett: You don't want to check it out.
Scully: What I don't want is Agent Mulder's life to be endangered any more than it already is.
Doggett: How long are you going to do this?
Scully: Do what, Agent Doggett?
Doggett: Refuse to trust me... or anybody. How else you going to get him home?
Scully: I'm trying to teach a class.
Doggett: You understand what we're being offered here? If we know who these Super Soldiers are we can go after them. This is somebody giving us a way that can make it safe for Mulder to come home.
Scully: That's the operative word here — somebody. Somebody that we don't know.
Doggett: You don't want to check it out.
Scully: What I don't want is Agent Mulder's life to be endangered any more than it already is.
Doggett: How long are you going to do this?
Scully: Do what, Agent Doggett?
Doggett: Refuse to trust me... or anybody. How else you going to get him home?
Scully: Where are you?
Shadow Man: Move around to the trunk. You'll see a change of clothes inside for you. Put them on.
Scully: Look... we're in the middle of nowhere.
Shadow Man: There is no middle of nowhere any more, Agent Scully. Put the gun in the trunk. Your clothes, too. (He takes a remote control device out of his pocket and turns it on. The car starts moving away from them, then explodes) Your watch. Give it to me.
Scully: This is ridiculous. This has gone far enough.
Shadow Man: Do you want to see Mulder again?
Scully: These clothes that I'm wearing ... they're my size. How the hell do you know my size?
Shadow Man: Your size? I know your blood type, your resting heart rate, your childhood fear of clowns. I know the name of your college boyfriend, your true hair colour, your ATM pin number, favourite charities, pet peeves. I know you spend too much time alone. And I know... that on one lonely night you invited Mulder to your bed.
Scully: Oh my god.
Shadow Man: I was as surprised as you were.
Scully: Who authorises you? I mean, what gives you the right? Who are you?
Shadow Man: I'm the future, Agent Scully. And I risked my life being here.
Scully: Well, then why do it? I mean, why meet me?
Shadow Man: Because you can reach Mulder. Mulder needs to know what I know or he may have no future. Perhaps no one will. Another car is parked on the main road, half a mile out. If I see that you haven't contacted Mulder in the next 24 hours, I disappear and you never see me again. Do you understand, lady?
Shadow Man: Move around to the trunk. You'll see a change of clothes inside for you. Put them on.
Scully: Look... we're in the middle of nowhere.
Shadow Man: There is no middle of nowhere any more, Agent Scully. Put the gun in the trunk. Your clothes, too. (He takes a remote control device out of his pocket and turns it on. The car starts moving away from them, then explodes) Your watch. Give it to me.
Scully: This is ridiculous. This has gone far enough.
Shadow Man: Do you want to see Mulder again?
Scully: These clothes that I'm wearing ... they're my size. How the hell do you know my size?
Shadow Man: Your size? I know your blood type, your resting heart rate, your childhood fear of clowns. I know the name of your college boyfriend, your true hair colour, your ATM pin number, favourite charities, pet peeves. I know you spend too much time alone. And I know... that on one lonely night you invited Mulder to your bed.
Scully: Oh my god.
Shadow Man: I was as surprised as you were.
Scully: Who authorises you? I mean, what gives you the right? Who are you?
Shadow Man: I'm the future, Agent Scully. And I risked my life being here.
Scully: Well, then why do it? I mean, why meet me?
Shadow Man: Because you can reach Mulder. Mulder needs to know what I know or he may have no future. Perhaps no one will. Another car is parked on the main road, half a mile out. If I see that you haven't contacted Mulder in the next 24 hours, I disappear and you never see me again. Do you understand, lady?

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