Written by: Thomas Schnauz
Directed by: Dwight Little
Directed by: Dwight Little

Jolie Jenkins makes her second appearance on The X-Files on this episode. Her premiere was in "Alone" in the 8th season. She plays an agent that is obsessed with the X-Files, Mulder and Scully.
In this episode we find Tommy uttering the famous phrase "I made this" while showing a drawing he made to Reyes. This is also the phrase spoken over the TenThirteen logo after the credits on every X Files episode.
While Scully was doing an necropsy on "Spanky", Tommy's rotting pet cat, her apron clearly sports the words "something smells goooood!"
Agent Harrison: Agent Scully...
Scully: Leyla Harrison. What a surprise.
Agent Harrison: Oh, good. I was afraid I should have made a call first. How have you been?
Scully: Oh... busy. And yourself?
Agent Harrison: I'm back in accounting now. Happily, mind you. No regrets. Although I did relish my big adventure on the X-Files unit last year.
Scully: I have about five minutes before my next class. Can we talk while I eat?
Agent Harrison: Not a problem. (She opens a file containing a photo of a dead woman covered in blood) It's an X-File. I'm sure of it.
Scully: Where'd you get this?
Agent Harrison: It all started when I tracked down a mileage discrepancy in the bureau's vehicle fleet. It turns out a really nice secretary from our Baltimore field office had used a Ford Taurus without authorisation.
Scully: And what does that have to do with...?
Agent Harrison: Well, she was desperate to visit her grandson which is why she borrowed the car. She's the one who told me about this case. This was her daughter.
Scully: And what makes you think this is an X-File?
Agent Harrison: Well, this dead woman's son — my friend's grandson — this is Tommy Conlon. Tommy is eight years old. And Tommy told her a monster killed his mother. And his father knows all about it. I know, I know. Why take the word of an eight-year-old? But... look at the autopsy report. Clearly this woman was murdered, and yet...
Scully: ...and yet the coroner concludes that she stabbed herself to death. Agent Harrison, I see no reason to disagree with the coroner.
Agent Harrison: But... I mean, how could someone stab themselves sixteen times?
Scully: Look, it is unusual but I have seen it before.
Agent Harrison: Tommy's father took the boy to some mountaintop in Pennsylvania, in the middle of nowhere. He took him away from his friends — his family. They don't even have a phone. Tommy's own grandmother isn't allowed to see him any more.
Scully: I'm sorry, Agent Harrison but unless you have other evidence...
Agent Harrison: Wait, wait. Tommy said that the same monster that killed his mother killed Spanky, his pet cat.
Scully: Unless you bring me Spanky, there's nothing I can do. (The class bell rings, she re-wraps her uneaten lunch and hands the sandwich to Agent Harrison) Apple and tuna salad?
Gabe Rotter: It's Gabe Rotter. I have the thing you've been waiting for.
Scully: Who?
Gabe Rotter: Gabe... Rotter. I'm a friend of Leyla Harrison.
Scully: Do you know what time it is?
Gabe Rotter: Hey, I just do as I'm told. Enjoy. (He holds out a small dirty box, Scully recoils from the stench)
Scully: Whoa. What the hell is that?
Gabe Rotter: A dead cat.
Scully: Come again?
Gabe Rotter: Yeah, his name's Spanky. Leyla said you're helping her out on a case and you needed it ASAP, so... hey, you're welcome.
Scully: I am going to be exceptionally polite. Leave. Now. Leave now and take that with you. (Gabe Rotter and his box of dead cat enter the apartment)
Gabe Rotter: Do you have any idea what I went through to get this thing? I snuck onto the property where your perp there used to live and I dug up the whole thing looking for it.
Scully: I don't care. Leave! Now! Please!
Gabe Rotter: Uh-uh. Leyla said she'd go out with me only if I got you the cat, and damn it, I got it.
Scully: Oh, god... (Gabe Rotter opens the box, Scully covers her mouth from the stench. Something about the cat catches her attention and she starts to make a phone call)
Gabe Rotter: You calling the cops on me?
Scully: If only. God help me, but Agent Harrison might be on to something after all.
Scully: Who?
Gabe Rotter: Gabe... Rotter. I'm a friend of Leyla Harrison.
Scully: Do you know what time it is?
Gabe Rotter: Hey, I just do as I'm told. Enjoy. (He holds out a small dirty box, Scully recoils from the stench)
Scully: Whoa. What the hell is that?
Gabe Rotter: A dead cat.
Scully: Come again?
Gabe Rotter: Yeah, his name's Spanky. Leyla said you're helping her out on a case and you needed it ASAP, so... hey, you're welcome.
Scully: I am going to be exceptionally polite. Leave. Now. Leave now and take that with you. (Gabe Rotter and his box of dead cat enter the apartment)
Gabe Rotter: Do you have any idea what I went through to get this thing? I snuck onto the property where your perp there used to live and I dug up the whole thing looking for it.
Scully: I don't care. Leave! Now! Please!
Gabe Rotter: Uh-uh. Leyla said she'd go out with me only if I got you the cat, and damn it, I got it.
Scully: Oh, god... (Gabe Rotter opens the box, Scully covers her mouth from the stench. Something about the cat catches her attention and she starts to make a phone call)
Gabe Rotter: You calling the cops on me?
Scully: If only. God help me, but Agent Harrison might be on to something after all.
Gabe Rotter: So, this is Johnny Fabulous, huh? (Scully takes the badge away from him) Oh... 'Mulder's so smart. Mulder's so dreamy'. That's all Leyla ever talks about. Mulder and Scully, Scully and Mulder, blah, blah, blah.
Scully: This Sheriff, Jack Coogan, I'm just getting his answering machine.
Gabe Rotter: Hey, you're really worried. I thought you didn't find anything. You told me there wasn't anything inside that cat.
Scully: No, there wasn't. But it certainly seems like there should have been.
Gabe Rotter: What does that mean?
Scully: Well, the pattern of bite marks. I mean, it seems to me that the cat was trying to get at something in its stomach, to chew something out.
Gabe Rotter: Something. What?
Scully: I don't know. I mean, there wasn't any sign of it, but it obviously caused a great deal of pain. And I'm thinking maybe it goes the same for the woman who tried to stab herself. I mean, what if that was a frantic attempt to... to cut something out.
Gabe Rotter: Wait a minute. Is Leyla in danger up there?
Scully: All I know is we're wasting our time talking about this.
Gabe Rotter: Who are you calling now?
Scully: My mom. I'm going to beg her to baby-sit.
Scully: This Sheriff, Jack Coogan, I'm just getting his answering machine.
Gabe Rotter: Hey, you're really worried. I thought you didn't find anything. You told me there wasn't anything inside that cat.
Scully: No, there wasn't. But it certainly seems like there should have been.
Gabe Rotter: What does that mean?
Scully: Well, the pattern of bite marks. I mean, it seems to me that the cat was trying to get at something in its stomach, to chew something out.
Gabe Rotter: Something. What?
Scully: I don't know. I mean, there wasn't any sign of it, but it obviously caused a great deal of pain. And I'm thinking maybe it goes the same for the woman who tried to stab herself. I mean, what if that was a frantic attempt to... to cut something out.
Gabe Rotter: Wait a minute. Is Leyla in danger up there?
Scully: All I know is we're wasting our time talking about this.
Gabe Rotter: Who are you calling now?
Scully: My mom. I'm going to beg her to baby-sit.
Reyes: You drew all of these? (Among the collection is a picture is of two earwigs and picture of a dark-haired woman wearing black with an earwig in her abdomen)
Tommy Conlon: This one's you.
Reyes: Why would you draw this, Tommy? Why would you imagine such awful things?
Tommy Conlon: Because I'm afraid.
Tommy Conlon: This one's you.
Reyes: Why would you draw this, Tommy? Why would you imagine such awful things?
Tommy Conlon: Because I'm afraid.
Agent Harrison: It still happens. I'm happy it's in good hands.
Reyes: Hey.
Scully: Speak of the devil.
Doggett: That so?
Gabe Rotter: Leyla keeps going on and on about how you saved the day.
Agent Harrison: I really do have to commend you, Agent Doggett. You solved this case. If it weren't for you... I don't even like to think what would have happened. I have to say, it's clear to me now that you were better-equipped for this challenge than even Agent Mulder would have been. I mean your lack of imagination saved our lives.
Doggett: Gee, thanks.
Agent Harrison: That... didn't come out right. Did it?
Scully: So, any news on the boy?
Reyes: We just got back from the psych centre. Their doctors don't quite know what to make of him. I think it goes without saying. However, they have come up with a stopgap treatment.
Scully: What's that?
Doggett: A way to stifle his imagination.
Reyes: Hey.
Scully: Speak of the devil.
Doggett: That so?
Gabe Rotter: Leyla keeps going on and on about how you saved the day.
Agent Harrison: I really do have to commend you, Agent Doggett. You solved this case. If it weren't for you... I don't even like to think what would have happened. I have to say, it's clear to me now that you were better-equipped for this challenge than even Agent Mulder would have been. I mean your lack of imagination saved our lives.
Doggett: Gee, thanks.
Agent Harrison: That... didn't come out right. Did it?
Scully: So, any news on the boy?
Reyes: We just got back from the psych centre. Their doctors don't quite know what to make of him. I think it goes without saying. However, they have come up with a stopgap treatment.
Scully: What's that?
Doggett: A way to stifle his imagination.
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