Written by: Steven Maeda
Directed by: Rod Hardy
Directed by: Rod Hardy

This is the only mention and appearance of the Black Oil in Season 8, it is also the last. It would be later referenced in flashbacks during the series finale in Season 9. The apparent changes in plot are obvious as the writers seem to be doing away with former plot lines and adding new ones.
"Vienen" is Spanish for 'They Come'.
Doggett: Agent Mulder, I understand that you had more than a proprietary interest in these cases, but I can't help it if you're not assigned to this unit any more. I didn't see any reason to pursue this oil worker case.
Mulder: Oh, well maybe you missed the fact that this victim's corpse washed ashore at Port Arransis, Texas, massive flash burns on 90% of his body.
Doggett: I read the report, Agent Mulder, if you're insinuating I didn't.
Mulder: Then you must also know that this man was not the only man to disappear from the Galpex-Orpheus platform that night, but one of two men. The communications officer is also missing.
Doggett: The company attributes that to an explosion on the rig, a blow-out. Which is what they say caused Simon de la Cruz his burns.
Mulder: Burns, the ME said in his report, were not inconsistent to exposure to high levels of radiation.
Doggett: Not inconsistent. It's not exactly what I call a ringing endorsement.
Mulder: These files include the same kind of radiation phenomenon. Tissue destroyed by exposure to —
Doggett: Black oil. Five years ago, you and Agent Scully investigated a case of a World War Two plane salvaged from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, where a substance was brought to the surface. Which you described as a highly contagious virus of extra-terrestrial origin, that has radioactive properties and can take over a man's body. And it's part of an alien conspiracy to colonise the planet, if I'm not mistaken.
Mulder: And you'd love to help, but you left your light-sabre at home. How'd you get stuck down here, Agent Doggett? Kersh catch you peeing in his Cornflakes?
Scully: Close the door and lock it.
Skinner: What's going on? You said you want to see me straight away.
Scully: I didn't know who else to talk to, and I haven't been able to reach Agent Mulder.
Skinner: About what?
Scully: About what I found in my autopsy of the oil rig accident victim, Simon de la Cruz.
Skinner: Agent Scully, this man's body was supposed to be transported back to Mexico completely intact.
Scully: I found it by accident in the third ventricle of his brain.
(She probes the brain with a scalpel and a pool of Black Oil forms on the table beside the head)
Skinner: Scully!
Scully: No it's okay, it's all right.
Skinner: What do you mean? I was under the impression that this stuff could literally jump into a man's body.
Scully: No, it can, and I've seen that happen. But that's the thing — this man was clearly infected by the alien virus. It entered his system and it was massing in the pineal gland — but it's dead.
Skinner: What killed it?
Scully: Well, intuitively, you would say the same thing that killed him — exposure to high levels of radiation — but it makes no sense because the virus itself has radioactive properties.
Skinner: Somebody needs to tell Agent Doggett that, he needs to have some kind of idea as to what he's dealing with out there.
Scully: No, you need to tell Deputy Director Kersh that he has to order a controlled evacuation of that rig right now.
Skinner: Don't tell me to go to Kersh with this evidence. Telling him to order an evacuation for something that you can't even explain.
Scully: If the virus is loose, Agent Doggett's life is in danger.
Skinner: What's going on? You said you want to see me straight away.
Scully: I didn't know who else to talk to, and I haven't been able to reach Agent Mulder.
Skinner: About what?
Scully: About what I found in my autopsy of the oil rig accident victim, Simon de la Cruz.
Skinner: Agent Scully, this man's body was supposed to be transported back to Mexico completely intact.
Scully: I found it by accident in the third ventricle of his brain.
(She probes the brain with a scalpel and a pool of Black Oil forms on the table beside the head)
Skinner: Scully!
Scully: No it's okay, it's all right.
Skinner: What do you mean? I was under the impression that this stuff could literally jump into a man's body.
Scully: No, it can, and I've seen that happen. But that's the thing — this man was clearly infected by the alien virus. It entered his system and it was massing in the pineal gland — but it's dead.
Skinner: What killed it?
Scully: Well, intuitively, you would say the same thing that killed him — exposure to high levels of radiation — but it makes no sense because the virus itself has radioactive properties.
Skinner: Somebody needs to tell Agent Doggett that, he needs to have some kind of idea as to what he's dealing with out there.
Scully: No, you need to tell Deputy Director Kersh that he has to order a controlled evacuation of that rig right now.
Skinner: Don't tell me to go to Kersh with this evidence. Telling him to order an evacuation for something that you can't even explain.
Scully: If the virus is loose, Agent Doggett's life is in danger.
Mulder: I'm hoping to find Diego Garza.
Doggett: There's no chance of that if you ask me. The crew boss said it; a man could disappear of this platform and no one'd even notice.
Mulder: Did you see the crew manifest listed Diego Garza as mestizo, of mixed Mexican descent, just like his friend who died?
Doggett: Yeah. So what?
Mulder: Well the crew chief said these mestizo were particularly good workers, but we've got one dead trying to sabotage the rig and another who's missing. For one of their best workers you'd think somebody would've noticed him missing.
Doggett: Yeah, so maybe he's still here. Maybe he's just waiting to finish the job that killed his friend to protect Mexican oil interests.
Mulder: These men are hiding something, but that's not it.
Doggett: You know, I quarantine a whole damn oil rig without any evidence to support what you're saying, not one damn thing, but you still have yet to give me straight answer as to what you think is going on out here. And if these men are hiding something, if they're protecting something, then what the hell is it?
Mulder: I don't know yet.
Doggett: And when you do, let me know, 'cause I've got to get on the radio to justify this action.
Mulder: Agent Doggett, I didn't come out here just to bust your ass. I'm telling you, I've seen this substance. I've seen it can take over a man's body. This crew could be infected and not even know it. They may have no idea they're being controlled.
Doggett: This? This is what you're saying is going to take over my body? Well, when's it going to kick in?
Mulder: That's not how it works. It body-jumps from man to man, and I'm not sure that it's in all oil.
Doggett: Well that's a relief, because only ninety percent of the planet is dependent on the stuff.
Mulder: The man from Galpex Oil lied...
Doggett: What, he's infected too?
Mulder: No, that new oil province that he wants protected, it's already in production. It's being pumped by this rig. That's how this crew got infected.
Doggett: You're reaching, Agent Mulder.
Mulder: Billions and billions of barrels lying right underneath us, waiting to be produced, waiting to infect that ninety percent of the planet you talked about.
Doggett: These men are hiding something, that'd sure be something to hide.
Mulder: Agent Doggett, what if that's why this man is in hiding — Diego Garza — because he knows what they're up to, and he knows what they're up to, because he's the only one who's not infected with this alien virus.
Doggett: All right, he knows. Then why doesn't he just come down and tell us?
Doggett: There's no chance of that if you ask me. The crew boss said it; a man could disappear of this platform and no one'd even notice.
Mulder: Did you see the crew manifest listed Diego Garza as mestizo, of mixed Mexican descent, just like his friend who died?
Doggett: Yeah. So what?
Mulder: Well the crew chief said these mestizo were particularly good workers, but we've got one dead trying to sabotage the rig and another who's missing. For one of their best workers you'd think somebody would've noticed him missing.
Doggett: Yeah, so maybe he's still here. Maybe he's just waiting to finish the job that killed his friend to protect Mexican oil interests.
Mulder: These men are hiding something, but that's not it.
Doggett: You know, I quarantine a whole damn oil rig without any evidence to support what you're saying, not one damn thing, but you still have yet to give me straight answer as to what you think is going on out here. And if these men are hiding something, if they're protecting something, then what the hell is it?
Mulder: I don't know yet.
Doggett: And when you do, let me know, 'cause I've got to get on the radio to justify this action.
Mulder: Agent Doggett, I didn't come out here just to bust your ass. I'm telling you, I've seen this substance. I've seen it can take over a man's body. This crew could be infected and not even know it. They may have no idea they're being controlled.
Doggett: This? This is what you're saying is going to take over my body? Well, when's it going to kick in?
Mulder: That's not how it works. It body-jumps from man to man, and I'm not sure that it's in all oil.
Doggett: Well that's a relief, because only ninety percent of the planet is dependent on the stuff.
Mulder: The man from Galpex Oil lied...
Doggett: What, he's infected too?
Mulder: No, that new oil province that he wants protected, it's already in production. It's being pumped by this rig. That's how this crew got infected.
Doggett: You're reaching, Agent Mulder.
Mulder: Billions and billions of barrels lying right underneath us, waiting to be produced, waiting to infect that ninety percent of the planet you talked about.
Doggett: These men are hiding something, that'd sure be something to hide.
Mulder: Agent Doggett, what if that's why this man is in hiding — Diego Garza — because he knows what they're up to, and he knows what they're up to, because he's the only one who's not infected with this alien virus.
Doggett: All right, he knows. Then why doesn't he just come down and tell us?
Scully: Sir.
Deputy Director Kersh: You're in a hurry. To do what?
Scully: To continue with my work, Sir.
Deputy Director Kersh: I'm not privy to this work. I'd have thought this body would have been well on its way back to Mexico. (Skinner enters the room) I obviously haven't been able to rely on those whose job it is to keep me apprised and informed. I have to rely on phone calls. Like the call I received from Martin Ortega. Why doesn't somebody make me privy to who the hell gave the order to shut down that rig.
Skinner: I did.
Deputy Director Kersh: Well, I'm giving the order, this quarantine is lifted.
Scully: We could do that, Sir, but all radio contact's been cut off.
Deputy Director Kersh: As soon as it's re-established I want that rig up and running, and the entire crew choppered off the Galpex-Orpheus and debriefed.
Scully: Sir, I think that's a mistake...
Deputy Director Kersh: I think it would be a mistake not to, Agent Scully. And you're running out of mistakes — both you and the Assistant Director. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a Mulder stunt.
Deputy Director Kersh: You're in a hurry. To do what?
Scully: To continue with my work, Sir.
Deputy Director Kersh: I'm not privy to this work. I'd have thought this body would have been well on its way back to Mexico. (Skinner enters the room) I obviously haven't been able to rely on those whose job it is to keep me apprised and informed. I have to rely on phone calls. Like the call I received from Martin Ortega. Why doesn't somebody make me privy to who the hell gave the order to shut down that rig.
Skinner: I did.
Deputy Director Kersh: Well, I'm giving the order, this quarantine is lifted.
Scully: We could do that, Sir, but all radio contact's been cut off.
Deputy Director Kersh: As soon as it's re-established I want that rig up and running, and the entire crew choppered off the Galpex-Orpheus and debriefed.
Scully: Sir, I think that's a mistake...
Deputy Director Kersh: I think it would be a mistake not to, Agent Scully. And you're running out of mistakes — both you and the Assistant Director. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a Mulder stunt.
Doggett: I've been called up to see Deputy Director Kersh. As have Agent Scully and AD Skinner. I think it's all hitting the fan.
Mulder: You mean with Galpex Oil?
Doggett: The word came down that Galpex has lost the right to drill that entire Texas oil province.
Mulder: That oil should stay right where it is. You should do everything in your power to make sure that it does.
Doggett: Me? (The phone rings)
Mulder: That is the Deputy Director calling to tell you there's no need to see you. That the blame has been properly assigned for what happened out on that platform. I'm out. I'm 86'd, Agent Doggett.
Doggett: What do you mean? You're out of the FBI?
Mulder: Kersh could barely contain his happiness when he... stuck it to me.
Doggett: So you're taking the fall? Not for me?
Mulder: For you, for the X-Files. You're all the credibility this office has left. You have Kersh's ear and you've seen it now, out on that platform, you saw it for yourself. (The phone rings again) Answer the phone, Agent Doggett. You're in charge here now.
Mulder: You mean with Galpex Oil?
Doggett: The word came down that Galpex has lost the right to drill that entire Texas oil province.
Mulder: That oil should stay right where it is. You should do everything in your power to make sure that it does.
Doggett: Me? (The phone rings)
Mulder: That is the Deputy Director calling to tell you there's no need to see you. That the blame has been properly assigned for what happened out on that platform. I'm out. I'm 86'd, Agent Doggett.
Doggett: What do you mean? You're out of the FBI?
Mulder: Kersh could barely contain his happiness when he... stuck it to me.
Doggett: So you're taking the fall? Not for me?
Mulder: For you, for the X-Files. You're all the credibility this office has left. You have Kersh's ear and you've seen it now, out on that platform, you saw it for yourself. (The phone rings again) Answer the phone, Agent Doggett. You're in charge here now.
Season Number: 8
First Aired: Sunday, April 22, 2001
Production Code: 8X16
First Aired: Sunday, April 22, 2001
Production Code: 8X16
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