Written by: Frank Spotnitz
Directed by: Frank Spotnitz
Directed by: Frank Spotnitz

Agent Leyla Harrison was named for X-Files fan Leyla Harrison, whose life was tragically cut short in February 2001 when she lost her battle with skin cancer.
Much like a real fan of the show, Leyla is full of information about the X-Files and makes references to several cases including ''Squeeze''/''Tooms'' (the liver eating mutant), ''The Beginning'' (an alien who sheds its skin), and ''Detour'' (the subterranean men). In the end she asks Mulder about how he saved Scully from the spaceship, referring to the feature movie ''Fight the Future''.
When Scully is cleaning out her desk, the penny & dime was from "Dreamland I & II", the dog tag was from her dog she got in "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose".
Dr. Stites had been reading ''The Sixth Extinction: Patterns of Life and the Future of Mankind'' by Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin. The title of the book provides a reference to the title of the first episode of the seventh season.
Doggett: Agent Scully. Can I take your coat?
Scully: I'm not staying, Agent Doggett. My doctor told me to take my maternity leave, in fact, she insisted on it.
Doggett: That's not bad, Agent Scully, you could use some time for yourself. What is it?
Scully: It's a medallion commemorating the Apollo 11 space flight. I'd like to give this to you, Agent Doggett.
Doggett: Thanks. Because?
Scully: Agent Mulder gave it to me a few years back. It symbolises teamwork, partnership... it means no one gets there alone. And after this past year and... everything that we've been through, I just... I wouldn't be here without you. (She hugs Doggett)
Doggett: Agent Scully, this pregnancy leave, it is just a leave right? I mean, you are coming back eventually? (She smiles and leaves the office. Doggett looks around the office shaking his head, he smiles as he hears the sound of woman's shoes in the hallway) You're not gone five minutes, Agent Scully and I already I'm starting to feel like a stranger in my own off ..." (It isn't Scully standing in the doorway)
Agent Harrison: I'm sorry?
Doggett: Can I help you?
Agent Harrison: I'm here to help you, actually. I'm Leyla Harrison. I've been looking forward to meeting you.
Doggett: Uh huh.
Agent Harrison: I've got a case here, an X-File, I think. At least the local PD can't explain it. A murder last night in upstate New York. I booked us on a flight to Buffalo Niagara. Here's the crime report.
Doggett: I'm sorry, Miss Harrison, who are you?
Agent Harrison: Oh gosh, they didn't tell you? This is so embarrassing — I'm... I'm your new partner.

Doggett: How much field experience do you have, Agent Harrison?
Agent Harrison: Um, actually this is my first time in the field.
Doggett: Let me guess, Deputy Director Kersh handed you this job, filling in for Agent Scully.
Agent Harrison: Yes. Yes he did.
Doggett: I don't know how to tell you this, Agent Harrison, but you're being used. Deputy Director Kersh is no friend to the X-Files.
Agent Harrison: I don't think you understand something, Agent Doggett. I begged for this assignment.
Doggett: You begged for it?
Agent Harrison: I was in accounting. I processed Agents Mulder and Scully's travel expenses.
Doggett: Then you are qualified.
Agent Harrison: Maybe I'm not. But I know the X-Files, Agent Doggett, inside and out. Other people don't even want to admit these questions exist, but you face them every day. I am just so excited to be a part of this. Aren't you? Mr Sacks' body was found here, but they found no foot prints leading to it. Oh my god. There's more of it.
Doggett: Looks like it.
Agent Harrison: You know what that could be? It could be bile.
Doggett: Bile?
Agent Harrison: From a liver-eating mutant. Mulder and Scully chased one into an escalator once. It died, but there was...
Doggett: This is not a liver-eating mutant, Agent Harrison.
Agent Harrison: It could be an alien who send its skin. According to Agent Mulder's case reports they leave behind a mucous-like residue when they... You don't think it's that either. I'll take a sample of this, have it sent to the lab for comparison.
Doggett: That's good thinking, Agent Harrison.
Agent Harrison: Um, actually this is my first time in the field.
Doggett: Let me guess, Deputy Director Kersh handed you this job, filling in for Agent Scully.
Agent Harrison: Yes. Yes he did.
Doggett: I don't know how to tell you this, Agent Harrison, but you're being used. Deputy Director Kersh is no friend to the X-Files.
Agent Harrison: I don't think you understand something, Agent Doggett. I begged for this assignment.
Doggett: You begged for it?
Agent Harrison: I was in accounting. I processed Agents Mulder and Scully's travel expenses.
Doggett: Then you are qualified.
Agent Harrison: Maybe I'm not. But I know the X-Files, Agent Doggett, inside and out. Other people don't even want to admit these questions exist, but you face them every day. I am just so excited to be a part of this. Aren't you? Mr Sacks' body was found here, but they found no foot prints leading to it. Oh my god. There's more of it.
Doggett: Looks like it.
Agent Harrison: You know what that could be? It could be bile.
Doggett: Bile?
Agent Harrison: From a liver-eating mutant. Mulder and Scully chased one into an escalator once. It died, but there was...
Doggett: This is not a liver-eating mutant, Agent Harrison.
Agent Harrison: It could be an alien who send its skin. According to Agent Mulder's case reports they leave behind a mucous-like residue when they... You don't think it's that either. I'll take a sample of this, have it sent to the lab for comparison.
Doggett: That's good thinking, Agent Harrison.
Scully: What are you doing here, Mulder?
Mulder: Actually, I wandered away from my tour. A better question is; what are you doing here?
Scully: I found something that may prove helpful in locating Agent Doggett. This is Arlen Sacks, the murder victim Doggett was investigating. This old man was not murdered, Mulder. He died of heart failure, evidently after he was blinded by a chemical substance of some kind. The orbits have residual traces of a slimy substance, known as hydrolytic enzymes.
Mulder: Venom. Produced by reptiles.
Scully: How'd you know that?
Mulder: Before Agent Doggett and his partner went missing, they send in samples to be analysed — hydrolytic enzymes. Skinner told me.
Scully: I also found some bacteria in the venom, which I'm going to do a culture on.
Mulder: Let someone else do it. There are other concerns right now.
Scully: I know. But this is an X-File, Mulder and you are out of the Bureau. And now If I go home, where is Skinner going to find someone qualified to look into this?
Mulder: I know where he could find somebody.
Mulder: Actually, I wandered away from my tour. A better question is; what are you doing here?
Scully: I found something that may prove helpful in locating Agent Doggett. This is Arlen Sacks, the murder victim Doggett was investigating. This old man was not murdered, Mulder. He died of heart failure, evidently after he was blinded by a chemical substance of some kind. The orbits have residual traces of a slimy substance, known as hydrolytic enzymes.
Mulder: Venom. Produced by reptiles.
Scully: How'd you know that?
Mulder: Before Agent Doggett and his partner went missing, they send in samples to be analysed — hydrolytic enzymes. Skinner told me.
Scully: I also found some bacteria in the venom, which I'm going to do a culture on.
Mulder: Let someone else do it. There are other concerns right now.
Scully: I know. But this is an X-File, Mulder and you are out of the Bureau. And now If I go home, where is Skinner going to find someone qualified to look into this?
Mulder: I know where he could find somebody.
Mulder: Sure.
Agent Harrison: When you went to Antarctica, to save Agent Scully from being taken by that spaceship, and you ran out of gas in your snowcat, how did you get back?
Scully: Um, well first of all it was never... actually proven that it was a spaceship.
Mulder: It wasn't?
Scully: Well, no, what...
Mulder: Proven?
Scully: What happened was that we fell off of something that...
Mulder: Something?
Scully: ...rose out of the ice.
Mulder: Well, what do you think that was?
Scully: Well, I don't know what it was, but we never, we didn't actually see...
Mulder: Was it a spaceship?
Scully: ...a spaceship.
Mulder: I can't believe you're saying it's not a spaceship, when you saw it.
Scully: Ah, I mean, it could have been a spaceship. Mulder, but you don't...
Mulder: Of course it was a spaceship.
Scully: Look, we don't know that it was, but you don't have a picture of it or anything.
Mulder: You know it was a spaceship, you saw it!
Scully: No, I did, no no no no no. Remember, I was unconscious. And when I woke up there was no spaceship.
Mulder: You saw the spaceship.
Scully: No no no.
Agent Harrison: When you went to Antarctica, to save Agent Scully from being taken by that spaceship, and you ran out of gas in your snowcat, how did you get back?
Scully: Um, well first of all it was never... actually proven that it was a spaceship.
Mulder: It wasn't?
Scully: Well, no, what...
Mulder: Proven?
Scully: What happened was that we fell off of something that...
Mulder: Something?
Scully: ...rose out of the ice.
Mulder: Well, what do you think that was?
Scully: Well, I don't know what it was, but we never, we didn't actually see...
Mulder: Was it a spaceship?
Scully: ...a spaceship.
Mulder: I can't believe you're saying it's not a spaceship, when you saw it.
Scully: Ah, I mean, it could have been a spaceship. Mulder, but you don't...
Mulder: Of course it was a spaceship.
Scully: Look, we don't know that it was, but you don't have a picture of it or anything.
Mulder: You know it was a spaceship, you saw it!
Scully: No, I did, no no no no no. Remember, I was unconscious. And when I woke up there was no spaceship.
Mulder: You saw the spaceship.
Scully: No no no.
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