Written by: William Gibson and Tom Maddox
Directed by: Chris Carter
Directed by: Chris Carter

A 'First Person Shooter' is actually a computer game 'genre'. Examples of such are Doom, Halo & Half-Life.
Scully comments that she can get into the Pentagon easier than into the FPS offices, possibly referring to Mulder's infiltration of the Pentagon in the Season 5 premiere episode ''Redux''.
Maitreya says: "Watashiga korekara surukotowo yurushitene" to Musashi just before she kills him - it is Japanese for "Forgive me for what I am about to do." The naming of the vengeful female figure for the compassionate Maitreya is evidently an ironic point.

Scully: This man's been shot.
Ivan Martinez: No! See, when somebody is shot, there's a gun involved, right? That is absolutely impossible because there's no way anybody could ever get a gun past security.
Scully: What do you call this?
Ivan Martinez: It's a laser blaster. For wasting cybertrash.
Langly: It emits a low-frequency...
Ivan Martinez: Just let me. All right. The weapons feed off the FPS mainframe. The effect is intensely real, but harmless.
Scully: You say this weapon is a toy but this man clearly has gunshot wounds through his...
Ivan Martinez: Stun suit. See, it's rigged with paint for wounds and kill shots. It's total bleeding-edge technology. He's dead. I got it.
Mulder: Who was he playing against?
Ivan Martinez: Against the game. You waste the cyberthugs before they waste you. It's all about body count. But they're computer-generated images running on a projector. It all happens in the game space.
Phoebe: It's a total digital environment. Nothing's real. It's all virtual.

Mulder: Virtual death.
Scully: Yeah, well, if only that were the case.
Mulder: Yeah.
Scully: I thought at first that maybe the uh, suit had malfunctioned, that one of the charges had blown inward but, unfortunately, that wasn't the case either.
Mulder: I've got a birthday coming up. You have to admit, though, Scully, this is a pretty amazing piece of technology.
Scully: Yeah, wasted on a stupid game.
Mulder: Stupid?
Scully: Dressing up like high-tech warriors to play a futuristic version of cowboys and indians? What kind of moron gets his ya-yas out like that? Mulder, what purpose does this game serve except to add to a culture of violence in a country that's already out of control?
Mulder: Who says it adds to it?
Scully: You think that taking up weapons and creating gratuitous virtual mayhem has any redeeming value whatsoever? I mean, that the testosterone frenzy that it creates stops when the game does?
Mulder: Well, that's rather sexist, isn't it? I mean, maybe the game provides an outlet for certain impulses, that it fills a void in our genetic makeup that the more civilising effects of society failed to provide for.
Scully: Well, that must be why men feel the great need to blast the crap out of stuff.
Mulder: Well, testosterone frenzy or no the only suspect we have in this man's murder is a woman.
Scully: Yeah, well, if only that were the case.
Mulder: Yeah.
Scully: I thought at first that maybe the uh, suit had malfunctioned, that one of the charges had blown inward but, unfortunately, that wasn't the case either.
Mulder: I've got a birthday coming up. You have to admit, though, Scully, this is a pretty amazing piece of technology.
Scully: Yeah, wasted on a stupid game.
Mulder: Stupid?
Scully: Dressing up like high-tech warriors to play a futuristic version of cowboys and indians? What kind of moron gets his ya-yas out like that? Mulder, what purpose does this game serve except to add to a culture of violence in a country that's already out of control?
Mulder: Who says it adds to it?
Scully: You think that taking up weapons and creating gratuitous virtual mayhem has any redeeming value whatsoever? I mean, that the testosterone frenzy that it creates stops when the game does?
Mulder: Well, that's rather sexist, isn't it? I mean, maybe the game provides an outlet for certain impulses, that it fills a void in our genetic makeup that the more civilising effects of society failed to provide for.
Scully: Well, that must be why men feel the great need to blast the crap out of stuff.
Mulder: Well, testosterone frenzy or no the only suspect we have in this man's murder is a woman.
Jade Blue Afterglow: For the record again, my name is Jade Blue Afterglow. I reside...
Scully: I'm sorry. Your real name?
Jade Blue Afterglow: That is my real name. What were you expecting? Mildred?
Scully: No.
Jade Blue Afterglow: I sure seem to be upsetting a lot of people around here.
Scully: Well, you're not upsetting me, Miss, uh...
Mulder: Afterglow.
Jade Blue Afterglow: I sure upset the man running the metal detector.
Scully: You say that you have no knowledge of Ivan Martinez or a company known as First Person Shooter or FPS?
Jade Blue Afterglow: I meet a lot of men.
Scully: Would it surprise you to know that you have been placed at a crime scene in the offices of FPS?
Jade Blue Afterglow: Let's just say it takes a whole lot to surprise me.
Scully: You might want to start telling the truth.
Jade Blue Afterglow: And what truth am I not telling you?
Mulder: That you murdered two men. One with a 14th century broadsword and the other with a flintlock pistol.
Jade Blue Afterglow: Oh. You must have had me confused with my sister — Xena, Warrior Princess.
Mulder: Are you denying that this is you?
Jade Blue Afterglow: Now I get it.
Scully: What?
Jade Blue Afterglow: The medical imaging place in Culver City. I got paid to let them do this body-scan thing.
Scully: They paid you to scan your body?
Jade Blue Afterglow: You think that's the strangest thing I've been paid to do?
Mulder: We're very sorry... Miss Afterglow but, um... We're sorry. You're... You're free to go. (Jade Blue Afterglow leaves) I don't know about you, Scully, but I am feeling the great need to blast the crap out of something.
Scully: I'm sorry. Your real name?
Jade Blue Afterglow: That is my real name. What were you expecting? Mildred?
Scully: No.
Jade Blue Afterglow: I sure seem to be upsetting a lot of people around here.
Scully: Well, you're not upsetting me, Miss, uh...
Mulder: Afterglow.
Jade Blue Afterglow: I sure upset the man running the metal detector.
Scully: You say that you have no knowledge of Ivan Martinez or a company known as First Person Shooter or FPS?
Jade Blue Afterglow: I meet a lot of men.
Scully: Would it surprise you to know that you have been placed at a crime scene in the offices of FPS?
Jade Blue Afterglow: Let's just say it takes a whole lot to surprise me.
Scully: You might want to start telling the truth.
Jade Blue Afterglow: And what truth am I not telling you?
Mulder: That you murdered two men. One with a 14th century broadsword and the other with a flintlock pistol.
Jade Blue Afterglow: Oh. You must have had me confused with my sister — Xena, Warrior Princess.
Mulder: Are you denying that this is you?
Jade Blue Afterglow: Now I get it.
Scully: What?
Jade Blue Afterglow: The medical imaging place in Culver City. I got paid to let them do this body-scan thing.
Scully: They paid you to scan your body?
Jade Blue Afterglow: You think that's the strangest thing I've been paid to do?
Mulder: We're very sorry... Miss Afterglow but, um... We're sorry. You're... You're free to go. (Jade Blue Afterglow leaves) I don't know about you, Scully, but I am feeling the great need to blast the crap out of something.
Byers: Oh... Scully's on fire!
Langly: The bloodthirst is unquenchable.
Frohike: Are you witnessing this?
Ivan Martinez: Oh, yeah.
Byers: Scully's in the zone.
Ivan Martinez: Clearly.
Langly: What's wrong?
Phoebe: This is level two. It only gets harder.
Ivan Martinez: No one's ever beaten level two.
Langly: The bloodthirst is unquenchable.
Frohike: Are you witnessing this?
Ivan Martinez: Oh, yeah.
Byers: Scully's in the zone.
Ivan Martinez: Clearly.
Langly: What's wrong?
Phoebe: This is level two. It only gets harder.
Ivan Martinez: No one's ever beaten level two.

Highlights from ''First Person Shooter"
Season Number: 7
First Aired: Sunday, February 27, 2000
Production Code: 7X13
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